Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 1: The Window

I don't know. For whatever reason, the light coming through the blinds caught my attention. I really like the result though.


Phildo said...

At first glance I though this was a stairway, then realized it's blinds. Nice way to tweak my mind! :)

Andromeda5000 said...

This photo has a nice soothing air about it.

BTW, I love the colours you've chosen for your blog background. Good idea to link to everyone else in the chellenge.

Maybe I'll copy that, if that's ok with you and if I can work out how to!!!

kimbomac said...

Oooh, nice one. Great lighting and on first glance I thought it was some weirdly lit escalator! Great start!

Ziaphra said...

Love it...great mood!

Anmatta said...

It took me a second to recognize it as blinds (also thought it was a stairway at first). Great way to throw the mind off. Blinds are so common, but when photographed like this they become very interesting.

Julia said...

Very retro looking! Reminds me of the old Hollywood noir films.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was looking at a bridge at first glance. What a cool picture, who knew blinds could be so interesting!

Rhiannonsmommy said...

Wow. I never knew a window could make for such a cool photo. I'll be looking at windows differently from now on. Thanks.

Celia said...

Im glad to see you doing this challenge! I wish I were! : (
I dont get to see enough of your yay!

UnicornBabe said...

The light here is absolutely gorgeous!! Lovely shot.

dollyllama said...

Wow. When I first glanced at this it looked like a staircase on a stage in a theatre...great shot, perfect lighting.

Anonymous said...

This one is my favorite of your first 5 days. But don't worry, I like the other ones too :D