Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 4: Fireworks

I'm a little late posting. (It's 01:53 a.m) We went to the drive-in movie tonight and just got home. It's really pretty on the 4th of July. You get two shows, the double feature and lots of pretty fireworks. Since fireworks are prohibited inside of the city limits, all the fireworks we saw tonight were illegal. Actually, someone managed to set a grass fire right outside of the drive-in so we also saw lots of smoke and a couple fire trucks.

Considering I don't have a fancy camera, I'm really happy with this shot.


YMS said...

Glorious shot! No wonder you're happy with it!

Wow, illegal...?!

kimbomac said...

Nice festive shot. Love the tail at the bottom and the pouf out of the top. Nice work.

Susan Roberson said...

Ohhhhh thats so pretty!! My very first fireworks to see this July 4th! Thank You! :)

theicebunny said...

Now thats a cool fireworks photo I love it

UnicornBabe said...

Great capture!!

Rhiannonsmommy said...

That's awesome! It's hard to get nice fireworks pictures. You did good.

Phildo said...

Love this BB! :)

Julia said...

So pretty! looks like a sea anemone. I didn't even try to shoot the fireworks we set off. I should have now that I see your wonderful results!

Celia said...

Your blog is too much fun, and your doing a great job with your shots!!
I cant wait to see more!!

BoC said...

Fantastic shot! Looks kinda like a jellyfish!

Ziaphra said...
