Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 11: Cats

I couldn't sit down when I got home today. 3 of our 4 cats had taken possession of my seat and wouldn't move.

Misty is the one in the front. You can just barely see the stump where her tail should be. That's all she's got. She is the boss. She's the oldest and we've had her the longest. I'm the only person in the house she seems to like. She only tolerates the rest of the family. She has only recently decided that the other cats are ok to be around.

The grey cat is Ria. She usually is off by herself. She is shy and only socializes on her terms. This picture is a rare moment for her. The black cat in this picture is one of her kittens.

Onyx is the black cat. He is shy like his mama and usually keeps to himself. He is very highstrung and startles easily (and to the extreme).


kimbomac said...

There's a black cat there too?!?! I didn't see it till you mentioned it, and then I still had to view the image in its large size to figure it out! They all look very cute.

kimbomac said...

Oh, I meant to say that I like your border.

Anonymous said...

I love the border, is it a prefab or did you create it yourself (please share the secret).
And your cats are cute too of course ;)

Phildo said...

Where are the other 47? ;)

Rhiannonsmommy said...

So cute to see them all together like that. My cat wants to be the one and only. He would beat up my other cat. So we had to give it back to my auntie.

dollyllama said...

What lovely sweet kitties you have, they are beautiful!

Ziaphra said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww! I want one!